If you give a presentation, whether oral or poster, at SORMA West 2016, please consider submitting a manuscript to the special issue of IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS). The deadline will be July 1.
There will be no “Conference Record” or prompt, unrefereed, inclusive compendium of papers; the only publication will be the refereed Special Issue.
The Program Committee intends to decline Special Issue manuscripts that had not been presented unless there is a compelling excuse. You are, of course, welcome to submit such manuscripts directly to TNS, which will consider them for publication in a regular issue.
TNS discourages the submission of progress reports and manuscripts that are more suitable for distribution as an institution’s internal document. They expect each manuscript to be cast in the context of the state of the art of its field, including appropriate motivation for the work; to present a complete description of the work performed; and to present a set of conclusions supported by the measured and/or calculated data.
How to Submit
Submittal, refereeing, editing and publication will be coordinated by TNS. Please follow these instructions.
Make sure you select “SORMA 2016” as the manuscript type so that your paper will be automatically included in the appropriate special issue. If you do not select this manuscript type, your paper may not be included in the special issue of TNS.
Before Writing…
Go to the page specified above (http://ieee-npss.org/publications/transactions-on-nuclear-science/)
Review the various guidelines and author tools specified in the page. Many useful tips on writing, graphics, and the practical details of manuscript preparation are available there.
Download the appropriate template (Microsoft Word, Unix LaTex2e, or Macintosh or Windows LaTex2e) under “Manuscript Preparation.”
Prepare your manuscript using the template.
Remember TNS has an 8-page limit for submissions. Occasionally exceptions are made if appropriate justifications are offered.
After Writing…
Go to the “Submission Procedure” tab. It will indicate you to go to Manuscript Central (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tns-ieee)
Click “Author Center” on the next page.
Under Author Resources on the next page, click where indicated to submit a new manuscript and follow the step-by-step instructions to enter various information and to upload your manuscript file. Be sure to select “SORMA 2016” in the “Manuscript Type” pull-down menu on the next page.
The deadline will be July 1.