We invite you to submit an abstract and a 1- to 2-page PDF file of supporting material for each presentation you would like to give. The deadline is midnight Pacific time (UTC -8) Friday, March 14.
An abstract-submittal link is available below.
If institutional or agency review requirements pose a hardship in meeting this deadline, please contact us at sormawest@lbl.gov by the abstract deadline.
Subject Matter
These topics are of particular interest, but we encourage “outside the box” and cross-cutting submissions relevant to our field as well.
• Novel Radiation Detection Technologies
• Computing, Electronics and Signal Processing
• Data Analysis Approaches and Algorithms
• Systems and Methods for Radiation Imaging
• Multi-modal Sensing and Data Fusion
• Technologies and Concepts for Active Interrogation
• Advances in Simulation and Modeling
• Enabling Technologies and Emerging Applications
Submissions that describe emerging technologies and/or new applications are welcome, as are uses of AI/ML.
Submitting an Abstract and PDF Supporting Material
The path to the SORMA West 2025 program starts with submittal of a plain-text abstract, plus a 1- to 2-page PDF of supporting material or summary, for each proposed presentation. The abstract length limit is 500 words. The abstract is plain text, but the PDF supporting material (summary) can include graphics, equations, color, etc.
The abstract will eventually be publicly visible. The 1-2 page PDF of supporting material is for the committee’s use in making acceptance and session-assignment decisions and will not be published.
At the time of upload, you will be asked to indicate whether you want our evaluation panel and the Program Committee to consider your submission for a 15-minute Contributed Oral presentation. The decision will be conveyed to you in the acceptance letter.
What Happens Next?
You should promptly receive an automatic acknowledgment from the abstract system.
The Program Committee will assign accepted abstracts to oral or poster status in the program and convey this decision in the acceptance letters, which will go out within a few weeks after the abstract deadline.
In your abstract and throughout SORMA West 2025, please submit and present only materials that are cleared for release: no classified documents; no “sensitive” or “for official use only” materials; and nothing corporate-confidential.
For questions about your abstract, please contact the Program Chair, Ren Cooper.