In this virtual event, oral presentations will be based on videos uploaded in advance. We ask you to be there for the question-and-answer period, but you will not be presenting in real time.
Instructions on accessing our virtual-conference software are in development and will be posted here.
For a contributed oral, we recommend a video no longer than 12 minutes, reserving at least 3 minutes of your 15-minute time slot for a question and answer session.
You may also upload a PDF version of your presentation (and the Powerpoint or other presentation-software originals if you so choose) so that attendees can refer to them later.
Please submit and present only materials that are cleared for release — no classified (even at the "sensitive" or "for official use only" levels) or corporate-confidential materials.
Time Limits
Regular contributed oral presentations should be 12 minutes long, plus a 3 minute allowance for question and answer. Because the entire oral program of this virtual event will be held in plenary session, our colleagues who chair the sessions will have to keep things running on time as a courtesy to attendees and subsequent speakers, and we thank everyone in advance for their cooperation.
These time limits refer to regular contributed orals. Invited speakers will be given special instructions individually.
Slides and Videos Will Be Available to Attendees
By default, we will make uploaded videos, slides and posters available to registered attendees (not the general public) on an ongoing basis. If you wish to opt out, please write to us.