This is SORMA West 2016 legacy information made available to give you an idea of what SORMA West 2020 will be like.
Your customers and competition will be there — make sure you are too!
We invite you to exhibit at SORMA West 2016, one of the premier conferences on radiation detection. Besides exhibit space, a variety of patronage/support opportunities are available to help you reach this prime audience.
The SORMA conferences bring your message before a receptive audience in radiation detection and its applications — total attendance at the last SORMA West, in 2012, was 562. The venue is near three DOE national laboratories and two of the nation’s premier research universities, not to mention one of the world hubs of high-technology industry.
Exhibit-hall space and patronage opportunities are on a first-come, first-served basis, upon receipt of payment.
Exploring These Opportunities
To learn about industrial-exhibit and support opportunities at SORMA West 2016, download the Prospectus and contact Exhibits Chair Marcos Turqueti,
We look forward to hearing from you. This Symposium will be significantly enhanced by your participation and support.